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from MHT Insurance

Avoiding Common Home Insurance Claims During Renovations

Jul 8 2024 Renovating your home can be an exciting journey, transforming your living space into the dream dwelling you've always wanted. However, amidst the excitement, it's crucial to undertake precautions to avoid common pitfalls that could lead to home insurance... more

The Essential Guide to Creating a Home Inventory: Why and How

Apr 1 2024 In the aftermath of an unexpected event, such as a fire, theft, or natural disaster, having a comprehensive home inventory can be a lifeline. This detailed list of your possessions not only aids in the homeowner insurance claim process, but also helps in the... more

Top Home Improvement Projects That Can Increase Your Home Value

Jan 4 2024 When you tackle home improvement projects, it’s wise to prioritize those that add the most to your property’s value, especially if you might put your home on the market in the next few years. Here are the renovations that give you the biggest return on your... more

Preparing Your Teen Driver for Different Road Conditions and Situations

Dec 4 2023 If you have a young driver in your home, you may be fearful about them driving on their own, especially in bad weather or road construction. Here are some tips to share with them to improve safety by adapting their driving to current conditions. Rain, Snow... more

How to Winterize and Properly Store Your Boat

Nov 7 2023 Your boat is an investment that gives you tons of fun all summer long. But come the cold weather months, you want to make sure it’s properly winterized before you store it, so it’s protected from weather and other hazards. Here’s a quick list of steps you... more

Save Money With These Smart Home Devices That Make Your Home Safer

Oct 2 2023 Homeowners today have never had more ways to save money through technology. Here are five smart home devices that will help you cut down on your bills and improve your home’s safety. Better safety can mean fewer insurance claims and less hassle for you. Smart... more

Renting vs. Owning a Home: Protect Your Property No Matter Which You Prefer

Sep 12 2023 If you’re on the fence about renting or owning a home, here’s a helpful look at the upsides of each option. Remember to get the right insurance when you make your choice, so your property is fully protected. The Advantages of Renting When you rent, you don’t... more

What to Look for When Buying a House to Avoid Unnecessary Insurance Claims

Jul 7 2023 If you’re house hunting, you’re probably looking at many elements like the number of bedrooms or how updated the kitchen is. Don’t forget to check for these things too, which which may help avoid home insurance claims should you become the new owner. An Aging... more

Benefits of Safe Driving Apps

Jun 2 2023 Many insurance carriers today offer smartphone apps that track telematics to monitor driving. Here’s how they work and how these apps may help you lower your auto insurance premium, along with a few other advantages. Safe Driving Apps Help You Improve Your... more

4 Water-Saving Tips for Your Garden

May 5 2023 Water has been in short supply in many areas of the United States lately. And even if it’s bountiful where you live, you may be paying more for water than you’d like. Here are some tips for using less water and saving money in your garden. Use Soaker Hoses... more

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